The Shush Pat Method: Your Key to Tranquil Baby Bedtimes

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A newborn baby can be quite difficult to put to sleep. The Shush Pat Method was one method we utilized frequently before bed. The Baby Whisperer author Tracy Hogg created the Shush Pat Method, which may help even the youngest babies fall asleep in the crib or travel bassinet with a little assistance from mom, dad, or another caregiver. When newborns are initially born, they are drained and readily fall asleep. But as they start to wake up, around 6 weeks or so, that’s typically when sleep difficulties and exhaustion for new parents start to set in.

The Shush Pat Method

Many parents assume that feeding or rocking their babies to sleep is the only method to get them to sleep. The problem with making feeding or rocking your baby to sleep your preferred strategy is that it soon becomes the only way your infant can fall asleep. We awaken numerous times at night, but in our comfortable bed, pillow, and bedroom, we may easily and quickly fall back asleep. It can be very challenging for a breastfed newborn to fall asleep in their mother’s arms and wake up later in their cot without a breast in their mouth.

It is often why the 4-month sleep regression causes problems for many families. When I had my first child, I worried I might give her bad sleeping patterns. I studied everything in Babywise’s Eat Play Sleep section, but I wasn’t sure what to do when my baby had trouble falling asleep. When possible, I attempted to stay away from sleep aids since I didn’t want to subsequently have to figure out how to quit nursing in bed or cease co-sleeping. So, I use the shush pat method with other sleep training methods.

How can you The Shush Pat Method to sleep the most effectively?

TThe Shush Pat Method technique is quite easy to use. When you put your baby in their cot while they are still awake, turn him to his side so your presence won’t disturb him. You begin softly but firmly patting him on the center of his back or bum while shushing loudly in his ear. You pat your infant to sleep with a steady, rhythmic shushing motion.

Turning your baby onto his back and continuing to shush him while laying a strong palm on his chest will help him relax and fall asleep. For safety reasons, ensure your child always sleeps on his back in the crib or bassinet. If your infant wakes up while patting him to sleep, pick him up and carry him over your shoulder before starting the patting and shushing motion again.

Try putting him back in the crib once he calms down and keep rubbing him to help him relax and go to sleep. Try patting your child to sleep whether they’re ready for bed, a nap, or in the middle of the night. The shush pat technique is simpler for infants: A baby should sleep properly swaddled, in a dark room, with a white noise machine, and with a pacifier.

How Do You Do, Pat Shush Training?

The Shush Pat Method is easy to use. You touch your baby’s back in the middle while murmuring “shh shh shh” in his ear as they are sleeping in their cradle. The patting is vigorous and done in a regular, steady manner, much like the tick-tock of a clock. Continue to Shush Pat, your baby, as they settle down until their body is at ease and their respiration has slowed.

Putting your baby to sleep with the Shush Pat may take up to 20 minutes of steady use. The Shush Pat Method can also be used while holding your baby over your shoulder if it doesn’t settle them down when lying in their crib. If your baby wakes up early from a nap or bedtime, you can perform the Shush Pat in the middle of the nap to help them get back to sleep. This Shush Pat may assist in prolonging naps in infants less than three months because young newborns are infamous for only resting for about 30 minutes at a time.

The  Technique of Shush Pat Does It Work?

This Shush Pat Method, especially for newborns aged 0 to 3 months, can be quite helpful in lulling younger infants to sleep. The Shush Pat Method is based on the premise that infants this young cannot focus on more than two things at once. As a result, when your baby is being stroked and shushed, he cannot stop crying while concentrating on the other two activities.

I include the Shush Pat as a step in the overall calming ladder in my infant sleep program. While it might be difficult to encourage a newborn to fall asleep independently, relaxing tactics, infant wake windows, and a cozy sleep environment can assist. The Shush Pat Method loses effectiveness once kids are around 4 months old. Once a baby reaches the age of four months, you could also use one of the popular sleep-training techniques to aid in teaching your child to go to sleep independently.

Is Shush Pat Sleep Training Effective?

The Shush Pat is not a sleep-training technique. For babies four months old and older, sleep training is a method of teaching them autonomous sleep. Your very young infant can learn to fall asleep in their crib or bassinet with the aid of the Shush Pat, which is more of a calming technique, with a little assistance from you. In my newborn sleep program, I teach the Shush Pat as one of the calming techniques to assist your baby in falling asleep.

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